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  • Melissa Bradley on Andy Doll BandChet was my great grandpa
  • Melissa Bradley on Andy Doll BandChet was my great grandpa
  • Melissa Bradley on Andy Doll BandChet was my great grandpa. My grandpa is one of his sons. I finally found 2 albums and 2 singles of theirs and I am in love with their music. My grandpa always told me about how he could pick up any instrument and learn it real quick
  • Tom Likai on Andy Doll BandDoes anyone know which releases were sold with picture sleeves?
  • indianakelly on Rock MusicSteve Bachman -Great to hear from you! Kelly Murphy
  • Roxie on Terry WheelerI've loved growing up and listening to all you guys! Some of the best musicians and bands around.! Terry still is rocking it as a one man band! People love him out here. You all put the music in my soul! ( and mom to i guess) miss those days. ✌ ☮
  • Steve Bachman on Rock MusicAmerican Standard, was Steve Bachman,Ed Kammer,Larry Donaldson,Doug Reed,Rodney Rienhouer.
  • Jon cook on Terry WheelerI was the the doorman in the grand lake stagecoach bar. Turned myself upside down on the center post to figure his guitar walk down. Right handed guitar played upside down‍♂️
  • karen weltzin on Randy Landasgreat story! you mention Mr. Melvin and he was an amazing person and teacher to many of us at Marshalltown High School. I hope you will return to visit some day. I have loved music and always have a song in my heart and being.... thanks to Steve Melvin and his wife,Zolene.
  • Harry Landas on Randy LandasGood to catch up with what’s going on in your life ! Time flies , I went to work with Randy’s dad in 1972.
  • Sue on Randy LandasGreat to hear about your adventures & life over the years. My husband is an artist as well, music, writing,photography & painting. So hard to keep with it. Hope life treats you well! In Peace, Sue Stewart Mathews Lodmell Class of 76 mhs
  • Diann Smith on Randy LandasSo wonderful to read about the success of a neighborhood boy making his dreams come true. It was beautifully written Kelly. Also, wanted to express my sympathy for the loss of Mike. Keep going and sharing your musical abilities Randy! Diann Adam's Smith
  • JOHN D LUKEHART on ShatterLukehart from Marshalltown from the band Clean Slate and One Shot Deal we did a couple gigs with SHATTER
  • Cohen Vaughn on The Sundown BandThe keyboard player was my grandfather. He was An amazing person and the group was always a joy to be around. It’s fun seeing this post.
  • john lukehart on Mike FeredayWHERE YA PLAYING THESE DAYS
  • Mike Zehr on ShatterRemember the good times we had,Love to hear from you guys,Yes Jim, I'm still alive,Zero
  • Tim R on Blue HorizonYou guys played that Gentle Giant song for "all you Gentle Giant fans out there" which at the Sadie Hawkins dance......there was only one :) Vargy knew I was there of course......
  • Eddie Miller III on Bobby Hankins ShowMy late father, Ed Miller Jr., was very good friends with Bobby Hankins and Buddie Cornwell. Dad used to help out at Bobby Hankins Music City in Coldwater, and he became manager when the Bertalons took ownership. He was manager until the store closed in 2004.
  • Louie Chase on Jay SielemanChasing Elvin Bishop and Charlie Daniels and the Wadena Rock Festival are just some of the memories I have of us. Jay Wire buddy, I thank you for the laughs, which were many
  • Julie Henderson on TennysonGreat article. Very interesting. Found out a lot of great info and enjoyed all the great songs too.
  • Stuart on Terry WheelerHi Indiana Kelley I’m an old band mate and would love to email or contact him we played on the road together in early 80s Thanks Stuart
  • Jim Connolly on Coliseum BallroomDave Moore gave me and my friend ‘Boots’ a tour on May 2,2019. Dave has put many hours into a restoration project of a nostalgic dance hall. Thank you Dave and all of you who have worked on and contributed to this project. What a nostalgic joy! Jim Connolly
  • Rod Arthur on The Thirteenth HourSteve went to West Central Community HS in Maynard Those are almost fighting words!!!
  • Rod Arthur on Jim MazziottiThose were the good old days Would like to think I had a little bit to do with you hooking up with Trewin and Palmer. Have some great memories Take care Rod Arthur
  • Sonny Kolbe on Bobby Hankins ShowDanced to Bobby and the Blue Boys many times at Lake Robbins, Woodward, Iowa. We still get together with Lefty three or 4 times a year, in the Rio Grand Valley, Cedar Falls, Iowa Antique Acres, Steel Guitar Jam in Waterloo, Iowa and Ovarian Cancer Benefit in honor of his late Wife in West Union, Iowa.
  • James on Rock MusicI have a Scavenger's Daughter photo, since I see that there isn't one available. Where should I send it so you can add it to the write-up? I can email it.
  • Clorisa on Rock MusicThe Midnight Riders had a poster that had a rearing horse coming out of a cresant moon. I remember tracing it when I was young. My father Rich Brown played .
  • Scott J Sieleman on Jay SielemanI have his acceptance speech on my phone! Their is backgr5 no ice but you can hear if all is quiet elsewhere! I was there! Scott J. Sieleman
  • Lavonne Peck Kizzier on Jay SielemanWow, Jay, Congratulations, voice from the past, Lavonne Peck Kizzier
  • Jay Sieleman on NotablesKelly--I was inducted into the Iowa Blues Hall of Fame on April 8. If you are interested let me know by email and I can send some info and photos. Thanks
  • David Elledge on Bobby Hankins ShowMy maternal grandfather was David Hankins. His brother was James (Jimmie) Hankins. Bobby was Jimmie's son. David's daughter was named Alice. My mother. I recall playing with Penny as a kid. Dixie was quite small then. Great to see these pics. Brings back a lot of memories. David Elledge
  • Kelly Mendez on Bobby Hankins ShowGot some names for you for the 2nd Bobby Hankins and the Blue Boys picture, with the sign that says 'Now Playing For your dancing pleasure': From Left to Right: Curt Noack - Piano (my dad), Hal Rugg-Steel Guitar; Billy Hicks- Fiddle; Dave Clark - drums; Bobby Hankins- bass; and Bobby Knight on lead guitar. *got this info from my mom, who was going steady with my dad when he...
  • Kelly Mendez on Bobby Hankins ShowCurt Noack on the piano (far left) in picture requesting names. Curt Noack was my father and spoke fondly of playing with Bobby.
  • Stu on Terry WheelerT Beautiful tune Stu
  • Kelly on NotablesHi Al, You and your booking company The Agency provided many opportunities for bands from Oelwein and NE Iowa. Great to hear from you. kpm
  • Allan C Enyart on NotablesI was doing a search and this website came up. I am still around. The reason I am responding is to inform you that I have some brochures from my early years (1970's 1980's) of some of the Oelwein and area bands. I started in 1973. If any of the bands would like to see them, I would be willing to display them at the chamber office in Oelwein. Booking...
  • indianakelly on BH Basement TapesI have a friend that says he might have some more cassettes. We will take all we can get!
  • indianakelly on BH Basement TapesGood times indeed. Great to hear from you Johnna!
  • Johnna on BH Basement TapesOMGOODNESS ! I was back at Wildweed! Good times!
  • Debbie Albert on BH Basement TapesSounds great , have more cassettes? Deb Albert
  • indianakelly on BH Basement TapesThank you Chris! Your cousin Tate could really lay down the bass line.
  • Chris Gonterman on BH Basement TapesI love it! Took me back to good times and great music. I really like the different parts of the songs are described before you listen so you can try and hear it. Great stuff!
  • Don on AfterflashA lot of great music, beginning in the 50's, came out of Iowa -- from the Greenwood Inn in Des Moines to the Starlight in Waterloo and the Coliseum in Oelwein. Young and old musicians alike played gigs at ballrooms, bars, radio and television -- along the Mississippi to Clear Lake, Iowa City to Red Oak. It was amazing and at least a 40-year run, maybe more. Among the greatest...
  • Kathleen Jennings on Keith Thompson TrioWhere was Keith Thompson from, was his hair red, did he have a second job and did he play in Oelwein in the late 40s?
  • Ronda Ballman on Dixie HankinsMy grandfather played with Bobby Hankins and they are now passed my grandmother has a guitar that Bobby played and then gave it to my grandfather to play she still has it in it case
  • Carlos Freymiller on Andy Doll BandCarlos Freymiller.. Yes I did move back to Wisconsin. I find the article to be very interesting and it helps me to remember some of events in my life. After moving back to Wisconsin I formed a trio, The Hi-Lites that played night clubs in the area. This being 2017, I haven't been involved in music since the 70's and my finger joints remind me of this fact. I value...
  • indianakelly on Coliseum BallroomDoc and Sharon, HubCityMusic thanks you for your kind words. This is the first time we heard of the Trolians band. If they played the Coliseum, they must have been good. Also, many thanks for Dave Moore on his efforts in the restoration.
  • sharzhills44gmailcom on Coliseum BallroomWe had a wonderful informative tour from Dave Moore, he is truly a inspiration to the community. My parents met there, my dad Ralph Sweeney from Waukon loved to dance and would play the drums for his brother Ray, The Triolians when Ray took a break. That's when dad met Miss Oelwein, Ileen Birdsell, they later married, had 11 children. We will spread the word of your hard work to...
  • John on Terry WheelerTerry use to play in our bar/restaurant in Grand Lake, Co. We loved listening to him and knowing him. Pure enjoyment! We often think of Terry.
  • Douglas Seedorff on Coliseum Ballroomlived in Arlington Iowa and never missed a Saturdayi night dance at The Coliseum 1953 to 1956
  • Seth Vargason on Al RicchioDon't forget Mike Ricchio, he passed away today but he told me of many times playing on the road with his dad.
  • Virginia Foy on Bill ReintsThank you for this article. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Brings back many memories.
  • Dean Schilling, Alamo, Texas on Leo GrecoLeo always had a smile for everyone, and a good word. I was pretty little, but I remember him playing at the Riviera Ballromm in Janesville, Iowa and at the Electric Ballroom in Waterloo. When my wife and I had our wedding dance August 1962 in Janesville, we picked Andy Doll. But his regular trumpet guy wasn't able to make it (I think this was Bill Reints). So guess who...
  • Bill Ramsey on Don StohrEnjoyed reading this article. Well done Donnie! RIP
  • Chad on Bobby Hankins ShowHello. My dad was Keith Thompson. If anyone had pictures could you contact me?
  • indianakelly on Coliseum BallroomTerry Knapp - I will email you to get a copy of that postcard to share on this page.
  • Terry Knapp, Cedar Falls on Coliseum BallroomThanks for your site. Hope the Coliseum gets restored. I just acquired a postcard sent from the Coliseum in June of 1940 advertising the Glenn Miller Band for Monday night July 1st. What a night that would have been. The Miller Band arrived from Wisconsin and went on the next day to Lincoln, Nebraska and did a Chesterfield broadcast. If you would like a photo of the card for your...
  • Dean Schilling, Alamo, Texas on Bobby Hankins ShowThis is pretty neat! Andy Doll played for my folk's 25th in 1959, and our wedding in 1962, both in Janesville Riviera. I remember Bill Reints on trumpet, Clarksville, and was thrilled when he would let me fill in with my trumpet for some harmony. Not sure if Bobby was still with Andy then, but Bobby played for my sister-in-law's wedding in August 1961; they just loved him. I still...
  • David Elledge on Dixie HankinsDixie is a cousin of mine. Her father was Bobby Hankins, whose father was Jimmie Hankins. Jimmie was a brother to David Hankins, who was my grandfather. David had a daughter named Alice Hankins and a son named Dean Hankins. Alice Hankins was my mother. Both she and Dean are deceased. My mother Alice Hankins married Bert Elledge Jr. David Elledge
  • Kelli (Kammer) Milbrath on Tom KammerUs kids grew up with my dad playing every weekend. It was the best memories I have as a child. I drank more kiddie cocktails by the time I was 5 than most do in a lifetime and my dad always played "I Knew The Bride" for me. Thank you all for the comments and stories. I love reading them. :)
  • Ted Schott on Rock MusicWhat a bunch of great names and memories here! I am looking for my Fender P-Bass that I bought new from Samar Music. Sold it to Lloyd Fleshner in 1972. Thanks!! Ted Schott\ Former bassist Bad Manners Band
  • Michael Kammer on Tom KammerHe was so good at counting odd time signatures, and because he spent all that time in Jamaica when he was a teenager, reggae and ska music (which most rock drummers struggle mightily with) was second nature to him. He really internalized that music and those grooves - it was a part of him, which is a totally different thing than studying music under a microscope. Great lesson for me....
  • Bruce Bearinger on Tom KammerAs a musician all my life, I have performed with many great drummers. BJ Killberg, Charle Hallberg, TJ Kammer, and Jason Kayser to name a few. But, performing with Tom Kammer was a unique experience. Tom was described as "The Foot" when he drummed. To me, "the foot" described his innate ability to know the beat of a song and keep that beat with his kick drum. This may seem...
  • indianakelly on The PlainsmenThanks Jeff! I have updated the page with the names you supplied. Can you provide any more info on the band?
  • Jeff Baker on The PlainsmenNames for picture above. Ed Kammer, Steve Bachman, Larry Donaldson . Left to.right . Then Chuck Baker in the. Front. Chuck is my father.
  • Doug Koempel on The Blue FlamesBack in the '60s I was the keyboardist for the house band (the Rubber Band) at Matter's Ballroom in Decorah. Back then we played the downstairs lounge (Someplace Else) every Friday and Saturday. Upstairs in the main ballroom, they'd run bands such as Leo Greco, the Swiss Girls and the Blue Flames. One night I remember during the band break, I just happened to wander upstairs to listen to the...
  • SHELLY on The Blue FlamesI always thought my dad walked on water and I think everyone who knew him thought the same.
  • Doug Koempel on Rock MusicGreat website!! Much great info to fill in the backstory of the local music scene! The only thing missing is a mention of the venerable Rubber Band (IRRMA HOF 2010) who played regularly at the Oelwein Coliseum. Here's a link to their official website:
  • Norman David Peterson JR. on The Blue FlamesMy Dad was Norm Peterson. He learned to play 11 instruments during his career as a musician. He loved his music. The last 5 years or so he started doing Gospel. I really enjoyed this article and my Dad would have too.
  • Jolene (Cherrier) Rhea on The Blue FlamesYes, that was my family. Dad, Mom, me and my younger brothers Steve and Mike.
  • Jim Mazziotti on The Blue FlamesEnjoyed the read. Many good memories. So many talented musicians came out of Oelwein and the surrounding communities...but Pee Wee may have been the most talented musician to ever come out of Oelwein. We loved serving all these guys at our music store over the years...but I know Pee Wee was my father's favorite. Just a true gentleman. Good luck and congrats to the Flames at their upcoming induction. Very...
  • indianakelly on The Blue FlamesHello Jolene, I learned how to play country guitar by sitting with PeeWee in his back yard workshop on the west side. I later lived on 3rd Ave. S.W. about 3 blocks west of Sacred Heart. There was a Cherrier family that lived across the street from me. Were they related to you?
  • Jolene (Cherrier) Rhea on The Blue FlamesI am PeeWee's granddaughter. I remember the Andy Doll Band and the Blue Flames. Grandpa (PeeWee) and Grandma used to come to our house with their instruments and my mom and dad and them would all play (Dad played steel guitar and Mom played bass) This brought back a lot of great memories.
  • Peggy NIcolay Sherrets on Steve WestpfahlSteve, I remember you guys so well! Such talent! Always had a great time dancing when you were playing. I would listen to you guys before my brother's band!!!
  • Faye Stewart on Steve WestpfahlCongratulations Steve very deserved. Glad Tom and I had the honor of following the band from time to time.
  • Karen Handeland on Andy Doll BandThank you for this! Chet "Daddio" is my grandpa. His musical abilities have lived on in his youngest daughter (my mom), and some of her daughters. Grandpa Bradley, as we knew him, could play with the best of them all by ear. It was important to him that my mom learn to read music which she is great at but she always wished she was better with playing by ear....
  • Laura on Andy Doll BandHello! Daddy-O was my grandfather. This is the first I've ever found a recording of him and the band. I would be thrilled to have your contact info to learn more about the band! My email is
  • Scott Peterson on Randy LandasHi Randy glad to see your doing well remember hitch hiking to Sedalia Rock Festival?
  • Garry Davidson on Coliseum BallroomYour Dad and Uncle Ken were two of my very best friends when we were growing up. Spent many weekends and holidays with the family or they came to visit us. Began our companionship at age 3 until your Dad's passing. Music was our number one interest. We spent hours at the piano.
  • Mike Cole on Bobby Hankins ShowBobby drove school bus for year or so from Stanley and around to Oelwein
  • Michael ANDORF on The PagesI was a big fan of "The Pages" and especially when Bill "Saki" Megonigle was the drummer. He is an ole independence-ite and a good friend (in fact he taught my brother the drums) I'm workin' on a list of all Iowa garage bands that made 45 r.p.m. recordings during the 60's. I'm also trying to listen to and collect as many of these recordings as possible. Is there anyone...
  • Kathy Jennings on Coliseum BallroomDid he play at Oelwein Coliseum around 1949 and did he have red hair?
  • Gail Alderson on Kelly MurphyThank you, I feel the same. I hope your doing well. I love the pictures.
  • indianakelly on Kelly MurphyGail, Some of the best years of my life was playing in the band "Step On It" with you and Nick while I lived in Indianapolis and Bloomington. Wishing you the best, Kelly
  • Gail Alderson on Kelly MurphyWow, there I am! Thank you for this Kelly. Gail
  • Jeff Davis on Step On ItI know where Gail Hicks can be found if you want to know.
  • Larry Soper on Coliseum BallroomYes I knew your father and mother.
  • Anne (Doll) Sellers on Andy Doll BandHe also had 3 sisters: Dorothy (Doll) Wagner Marie(Doll) Wagner Irene (Doll) Foley -still lives in Boscobel Aunt Dorothy and Aunt Marie married brothers to my mother, as well as Uncle Paul married a sister of Mothers. Anne (Doll) Sellers -middle daughter
  • indianakelly on Andy Doll BandGary, I am presently working with Bill Reints on the full history of the Andy Doll Band and the Blue Flames. Your name has come up several times. Once I update those pages, I will be sure to let you know. By the way, do you have any pictures of AD or the Flames that you could provide to me to put on this website?
  • Gary Hinderberger on Andy Doll BandA good history of Andy and his band. I enjoyed 2 1/2 years of playing drums on it from 1965 to 1967. Gary H.
  • Brenda on Terry WheelerThank you!
  • indianakelly on Terry WheelerBrenda - I just added contact info for Terry. Thank you for visiting HubCityMusic.
  • delilahdewylde on Bobby Hankins ShowI'm sorry I never got to meet Bobby, but we have some of his records and they're great. My MIL was married to Bobby for a time.
  • Robin Fortsch on Kammerstock RetrospectiveWas so glad to be there and witness the outpouring and talent. It was amazing.
  • tammy Hallberg on Kammerstock RetrospectiveWhat a great event for the people we love and care for. Many prayers , many thank you, it took a village, for the right cause.
  • indianakelly on Kammerstock RetrospectiveJohn, THANK YOU! The hundreds of photographs and videos you provided made this event live forever. On behalf of all the musicians and event organizers, we are grateful.
  • john on Kammerstock RetrospectiveGreat job on everything Kelly!
  • Gary Hinderberger on Bobby Hankins ShowKeith did have reddish hair and played piano with Bobby in the 1960s and was still a young man when he passed. I was Andy Doll's drummer from 1965 to 1967
  • indianakelly on Bobby Hankins ShowGood catch! It has been corrected. Can you supply names for some of the other pictures on Bobby's page?
  • Kelly on Bobby Hankins ShowThe picture that says Bobby with his Gibson is actually Buddy Cornwell not Bobby :)
  • Rose Kintz publicist for Crystal Axe on Crystal AxeThis is Crystal Axe. Thank you for adding us to Hub City. We have one thing to add. When we were inducted into the Iowa Rock n Roll Music Association's Rock n Roll Hall of Fame of 2014. The line up was Kat Bauer, Gary Berns, Dale DeMaris, Steve Manges, Kent Moore, Harley Sunnes and Brent Woodson.
  • Michael Kammer on Tom KammerI've gotten plenty of advice from my dad over the years, most of it unsolicited, all of it useful. But if there's anything that really stuck with me, it's this: "When you're a musician, everything you listen to shows up in what you play." That's why when he picks up the sticks you can hear the snap and precision of Charlie Watts, the offbeat accents of Richie Hayward, and the...
  • vargasonalbert on KAMMERSTOCK – Featuring BlueShatterWish I could have gone. Deb Vargason (Albert)
  • Chad Thompson on Coliseum BallroomMy dad was Keith Thompson. He played piano and sang with Bobby Hankins. If anyone has photos or memorabilalia or even memories say hello. Thanks so much! We miss him dearly.
  • Pam Wenzel on KAMMERSTOCK – Featuring BlueShatterSo excited for this amazing entertainment! What a great bunch!
  • Jean Denbo on KAMMERSTOCK – Featuring BlueShatterI would love to fly in and see my old childhood friend, Mike Fereday, but cannot make it this time.
  • Suezette Walker on Dixie HankinsWe miss you playing with Jody Nix. His music is not as "crisp" as it used to be when you were there.
  • Robin Fortsch on KAMMERSTOCK – Featuring BlueShatterBringing everyone I can pile into my car. Wouldn't miss this stroll down memory lane for nothing.
  • steve bachman on Tom KammerTommy hang in there brother! Wish I could come home for that, would love to jam with with the old bunch.
  • Kathy (Kringlen) Moser on KAMMERSTOCK – Featuring BlueShatterI'll be there for sure!!! Wouldn't miss it for anything!!!
  • Darryl Landas on Randy LandasGood to find you on the internet.. Darryl Landas
  • Jill Murphy on KAMMERSTOCK – Featuring BlueShatterCan't wait!
  • George Foy on Tom KammerI was terribly saddened to hear of your diagnosis Tom! That's a serious blow that few survive but if anyone can you can. I concur with all the comments that you were and are one of the best drummers around. In my 23 years at Oelwein you were far and away the best! We'll be praying for you.
  • Steve Dougherty on KAMMERSTOCK – Featuring BlueShatterWish I could be there , Nick. I'm proud to see that you are a great and talented person, my old friend. Best of luck in this effort.
  • Don Stohr on KAMMERSTOCK – Featuring BlueShatterIll be there. Wouldn't miss it!
  • Debbie (Albert) Vargason on Blue HorizonThanks Kelly for the memories. The band rocked.
  • Roger Wetlaufer on Tom KammerI am sure I must have played with Tom a time or two as he was one of "the" drummers in Oelwein, and he was in high demand. If Tom was your drummer you knew there was a tight pocket. Always. Pulling for you Tom and sending out good thoughts and wishes to you and your family.
  • Karen Tharaldson on Tom KammerI was in the audience many times and knew very little about music but I did love to hear Tom sing and play. I know he got tired of me requesting, "Okie from Muskogee," but I loved hearing him sing that song. I also loved eating at The Sportsman when Tom was playing with the Thompson Trio. Such good music! Time goes by so quickly. My family and I send...
  • Jim Mazziotti on Tom KammerSo seriously, Tom has played in 11 different bands? Good Lord, is it that he can't hold a job? Actually, it's more like everyone wanted Tom to be their drummer. He is one of the best to ever come from the Hub City. That' a fact. As it happens, I've never had the pleasure to play in a band with we are both drummers...but I too played in and...
  • Barb Ricchio on Tom KammerTom, I think you are the best drummer my dad (Alex Ricchio) ever had. Hope everything works out for you and your family. You are in our prayers.
  • indianakelly on Tom KammerAw shucks.
  • Tom Kammer on Tom KammerThanks Kelly, I was very lucky to get the chance to play with a lot of great musicians, including you. You were the one who encouraged me to join BH and that was a huge boost in my musical life. You were a great leader and role model for all of us. Thank you!
  • Tom Kammer on Tom KammerThanks Kent, it was probably me who screwed up the schedule! Always enjoyed playing with you and the Basics, no egos, just good times!
  • jere gregory on Jay SielemanBorn in Memphis April 4 1952, watched moon landing July 21 1969 in your folks back yard. Will never forget that! Thanks for the Montana visit. Was fun.
  • Stve Reed on Rock MusicJohn Klink , Rich Brown and Steve Reed, known as Midnight Riders, also played in the Oelwein area.
  • Yvonne Evans Davis on Milt CampbellHis father Ralph was an awesome man also who helped my dad Billy Joe Evans. He got us a house and a church for my dad to preach in. Milt was always letting everyone use his studio. My dad was also on KOEL , he used the studio for his broadcasts. I was a flower girl in Janet and Ronnie's wedding. I also remember Danny dated Veronica Rueden. I was...
  • Kent Moore on Tom KammerI have a story I'd like to share about Tom's dedication to entertaining people. One night with The Basics, we were scheduled to play at a bar in McGregor. Dan & I were all set up & about 7:30, Tom was still not there. Due to some miscommunication (probably on my part), Tom was unaware we were scheduled to play. We called him, he & Brenda were out to dinner...
  • indianakelly on Tom KammerTom and I played in the Jazz band at Oelwein High School. During the years we played, George Foy often took the band to several high school jazz festivals throughout the state. A lot of the festivals featured a professional musician that would hold clinics and later perform with some of the bands. At one of the festivals, the professional (I think he was a trombone player) had a private...
  • Kathy Jennings on Bobby Hankins ShowHi Dixie! Was your Dad playing in Oelwein in 1949 and did Keith Thompson have red hair or any other band member?
  • Kathy Jennings on Coliseum BallroomDoes anyone remember the name of a band playing in oelwein in early 1949?
  • Steve Jad on Andy Doll BandIt's strange how we don't know someone. Andy Doll was the custodian at our small school in Powers Lake, North Dakota. I had no idea of his background but I wished that I had as I too became a musician leading a band with my guitar. Rest in Peace Andy Doll.
  • indianakelly on Randy LandasInteresting that you say I should have been a journalist. Randy Landas thought I should have been an historian! Up until I tracked Randy down last spring, I had not talked to him for 40 years. But among my friends who knew him while he was in Oelwein, there were legendary rumors about how he had made it big in Los Angeles. But nobody had any hard facts. So I...
  • Charlie Hallberg on Randy LandasKelly: I was blown away by your story on Randy Landas! You should have been a journalist! Did you do the telephone interview? His "mediocre career" would be a dream come true for the rest of us "musicians" from the big "O"! Fun stuff! keep blogging ! Charlie Hallberg, Hiawatha, IA.
  • indianakelly on Rock MusicAdded a placeholder for them but need more info.
  • indianakelly on Rock MusicAdded a placeholder for Reaper and have been chatting with a band member to get more info. I also added some info for Savenger's but need some contact info to build a page for them.
  • indianakelly on Country MusicBarb - The link to your Dad's music has been added to his page. Either scroll up and click on his name or follow his link here:
  • Barb Ricchio on Country MusicYes I am proud of my daddy.
  • indianakelly on Country MusicWow. These songs are priceless. Since I created the HubCityMusic site, is it O.K. if I copy this link and add it to your Daddy's page?
  • Barb Ricchio on Country MusicAl Ricchio was my dad. Anyone wanting to hear some of his music can go check out this link. If not allowed please delete.
  • Tony on Rock MusicFind me on Facebook... Having trouble finding you here or there (don't know your name).... Anthony Nash... Milton Florida
  • Mary Ryan on Randy LandasI remember going to school with Linda until about 6th grade. What a story. Best wishes to the whole family.
  • indianakelly on Blue HorizonYep That was Wheels singing Gently Weeps. Make sure your brother Kevin checks out the page.
  • Kathy Adams on Randy LandasGreat story! My parents, John and Lucy McNamara, were in couple's card club with Randy's parents, when they lived in Oelwein, Iowa. Kathy McNamara Steele Adams Oelwein, Iowa
  • indianakelly on Rock MusicTony - We need to talk.Are you on Facebook? Message me and we can start building a page.
  • Tony on Rock MusicHey! I used to play guitar in Reaper, and just found this stream. What do you want to know?
  • Tim on Blue HorizonLots of new stuff, glad my Mom told me to go read it :). Gently weeps gave me the chills. Wheeler sing the lead? Damn good whoever.... all helped pass a slow workday today. Thx Murph for the flashbacks!
  • Tony on Rock MusicHey! I used to play guitar in Reaper, and just found this stream. What do you want to know?
  • indianakelly on Blue HorizonBLUE HORIZON FANS: Thank you for the great turnout on the “Support Blue Horizon for the Iowa Rock and Roll Hall of Fame” online petition. We received over 340 signatures so far. Below are some of the comments our fans left: 1. Great band! 2. I have great memories of Blue Horizon -- they played at my prom @ Independence Iowa. 3. They were really great! 4. They deserve it!...
  • Ray Fisher on J.W. SwiftI replaced George in J.W. Swift, and we also added Mike Faraday. It was a great time, but I wish I could remember the name of our female co-lead singer.
  • john lukehart on Shatterlike to find Mike Fereday like to catch up on whats going on in music now days


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